Journal 19: Binge Drinking
Binge drinking, a term similar to binge watching. According to Google, binge means "indulge in an activity." So binge would mean drinking continuously for a period of time. You, just keep profusely drinking, indulged on what your are doing. You forget about time and place, it's like you are occupied in drinking.
Most teenagers from around the world binge drinks. I think they do this because it is something fun and a thing to forget about time. But according to "", when a child moves from being a kid to become mature; they crave the feeling of independence. Many teenagers decide to express these feelings and emotions by turning to the wrong direction, and risk taking in order to feel they have control of their life. These choices make them feel this way and gives the feeling of adrenaline.
Teenagers in the CNMI does binge drinking, making it a common thing in the island. Mr. Borja told me in class that the CNMI had "The most beer consumed by capita," this expresses the way we drink. W had the title for a couple of years. This shows that many adults and teenagers drink everyday. Many teenagers are asked, "Why do you consume so much alcohol?" Most would say "Because my family drinks and I don't see anything wrong with that. Or "Because I get away from reality, and its fun."
Teenagers in the CNMI do not think that answers and actions like these would lead them to binge drinking. Some of my friends drink, they usually say they do not binge drink, but I think otherwise. Whenever my friends get drunk, they would text me random stuff in the middle of the night. Binge drinking makes a person do things they never done before, sometimes it can get you into a really bad fight, and actions that you would regret the next day.
For me, I don't understand why and how people drink. The taste of alcohol is just too much for me. Writing this paper about binge drinking had me doing the research and asking people around me. Although, binge drinkings a really bad thing. Most people just keep on drinking until they pass out. This is not a good thing at times.
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